Stop AI Deepfake Fraud

ClearedContact fortifies your phone calls against the rising tide of deep fake AI voice fraud. By sending a pre-notification and generating code words for both caller and recipient, our app ensures the authenticity of each conversation without disrupting your existing phone number or usage. Patent Pending. * Available in the U.S., other countries coming soon. *

We respect your privacy: ClearedContact never sells your data. Unlike free apps, our subscription model supports our commitment to your security without compromising personal information ($9.99/month or $99.99/year).

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Deepfake Protection

Being Human is the Key

Phone Ownership Validation

Confirm ownership of phone numbers to enhance security.

Contact Verification

Set up secure connections by sending and accepting contact requests.

Pre-call Alerts

Receive push notifications before calls to ensure readiness.

Code Words

Use these codes to verify identities during calls.

Authenticity Confirmation

Confirm caller identity with push notifications before engaging.

Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of security to the login process.

Stop Fraud

Deny Bad Guys That Use AI Voice Cloning

If a bad guy clones your boss's voice, grandma's voice, or grandchild's voice, and then tries to get you to make a financial decision, you have the power of ClearedContact to deny their request. Without the ClearedContact pre-notification and code words, the bad guy can't prove they are authentic.

iOS App  Android App

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About Us

Empowering Humanity in the Era of AI

Auventic, Inc. stands at the forefront of AI safety, ensuring technology enhances, not overshadows, human potential. We safeguard personal interactions, reinforcing the indispensable value of human insight in the AI-driven landscape.

The Auventic Team

We Are Dedicated to Protecting You

We strive to make a significant impact on every user. If we prevent at least one user from being deceived by AI deepfake phone fraud, our mission is a success.